British Migration Policy Versus Multilateralism: An Ideological Dogfight?

By James Kemmy Regional disintegration, pursued by Britain via Brexit, was notoriously supposed to “Take Back Control” and to realise an ambition of constructing sovereign borders within a contemporary global order. Although the Eurosceptic referendum campaign was largely driven by the promise to cut numbers of arrivals to British shores, migration to the UK has,Continue reading “British Migration Policy Versus Multilateralism: An Ideological Dogfight?”

Migration and the Mediterranean: Prospects towards the 2024 European Elections

By Federica Attianese The “invisible shipwreck” The new year opened with a new tragedy in the Mediterranean, highlighting the increasingly urgent challenges that the European Union is called upon to confront in the area of migration. On January 13, news broke of the disappearance of two vessels on the central Mediterranean migration route, resulting inContinue reading “Migration and the Mediterranean: Prospects towards the 2024 European Elections”

Ukrainian Refugees in the European Union: A Closer Look at Germany’s Role

By Zekiye Gürun Introduction The war in Ukraine, instigated by Russia’s invasion in February 2022, has precipitated one of the most significant humanitarian crises in recent history. This conflict has not only reshaped geopolitical landscapes but also compelled a vast number of individuals to flee their homes in search for safety. The European Union (EU),Continue reading “Ukrainian Refugees in the European Union: A Closer Look at Germany’s Role”